The Fundamentals of Word-Vision

Our inner vision determines how we perceive the outer world, words serving as a particularly important nexus between them. We change each other’s inner vision accord­ing to how we influence each other in the outer world with actions and words, but only according to how the state of our individ­ual and group con­science allows or forces us to. Word-vision diagrams are like reti­cles for us to identify and manage such influence. 

The pearl repre­sents sight of the outer world and the inner eye of the mind of the heart, making them insepa­rable when sight is present, when our two eyes are open. It thus also represents the different attitudes we each have as a result, embraced by various moods freeing or controlling us as a result also.

These diagrams make us aware of three indispensable truths. First is the process of word-vision itself, working in our sight and the mind of our heart. Second is the process of influence in our word-vision. Third is how word-vision empowers us to love those we would otherwise continue to hate, resolving every conflict at least on our side.

Most conflicts are rooted in emotional or physical trauma that has resulted in addiction to false thought patterns blinding our word-vision. They cause anxiety even in simple actions, as well as imperative ones like employment and health.  Until we resolve these conflicts in every form, our word-visions are mostly at war. It is reflected all around the world in mur­ders, suicides, and every other expression of corrupt inner visions, the vast majority of which never get expressed at all. They simply rob us of the magnificent inner life of which we are all capable. Although con­nected through word-vision, we are able to free ourselves only, others only if they choose to let us help.

To deal with conflicts, ancient knowledge encourages us to “take every thought captive.”[1] Noéma is the Greek word for thought here, referring specifically to the products of our mental vision. Take every word-vision captive to truth, knowing that some, indi­vidually or politically, are trying to take yours captive in our national conscience. This is where we begin to resolve every form of conflict in ourselves.

If you are like most Americans, you are finding it nearly impossible to change others’ viewpoint, those appearing to cause all of today’s upheaval. It makes these citizens the enemies of good conscience in our word-vision, but they see the same in us. We need a fundamental solution. 

Anyone who reads this book can, in no time, start practicing healthier word-visioning. It fundamentally teaches the principle of how to love the enemies of good conscience, whether we know them personally or not, whether we or they believe in God or not. If that does not bring us together, well, I am sure you can finish that thought as you see it. But let’s go to a more hopeful place. 

The more we practice the principle the more we realize that, initially, it does not matter whether others’ word-vision is blind. For our goal should be to first restore or improve our own to see its attributes in ourselves. Then, if we recognize any blindness in others, we are in a better position to help or at least not aggravate. 

Word-Vision 3

Representing word-vision in our own thoughts

Word is written in the normal perspective of looking at some­thing from outside of it. Vision is in the perspective of look­ing through a window at something outside. Working simultaneously in their oneness, this is word-vision, the language of the mind of the heart. We not only see the world with it in our conscience but, at the same time, use it to form our thoughts about everything.

Watch how the universal pupil in the pearl is placed outside of it in succeeding diagrams, indicating how our word-vision identity works in the world.

                             Word-Vision 4

Working between ourselves and others outside our groups, word-visions are bound together by one vision-pearl, which is formed by our word-vision baseline and depth.

The key to remember is that all these diagrams, except WV-5, symbolize some level of vision and should, therefore, be used to trigger actual vision of what they symbolize. They should not just be used in our mind as they are displayed here. While they are two dimensional, trigger them to envision their symbols according to what they represent all in the same position permeating by depth.  WV-5 symbolizes blindness and thus cannot trigger vision. 

All things permeate each other in word-vision of the heart, as opposed to occupying space next to each other as does sight of this world. Even when one thing is inside another, they are not inside each other at the same time as in the heart, the nature of two-way love, making each other more important. We will learn how one-way love for others is also the nature of love but requiring certain knowledge.

Our word-visions work as gates of communica-tion between us, simply raising up visions together in us, not mind-reading. The upper left of WV-4 represents our own position. Minimally, we work from four word-visions that have been coupled, since it takes two gates to establish a baseline for each person and at least two others doing the same without our being a part of them, establishing our word-vision depth. Joined together, they form one vision-pearl that each person partakes of in themselves, together with their own sight in the world, regardless of whether we are aware of it taking place or how it does.

Word-visioning in any number occurs correctly when the presence of others is our main focus without using ourselves to block any part of them. This makes them more important, the nature of light, which displays another light fully unless something in itself gets in the way, making itself more important and eclipsing the other with a kind of shadow light. This creates the most subtle but most dangerous trauma in our conscience.

This nature of light is the nature of God or whatever our belief or experience of what life is. For some, it is simply the essence of Life, for some the Universe, either way here referred to as Name, the Name of God or the Name of Life. Likewise, Word here refers to the Word of God, for some Christ, or the Word of Life, understood according to our beliefs alone. 

For beliefs are not central to learning word-vision, only the desire to love the enemies of conscience and restore sight to a blind world. For Christ himself said, “Even if you do not believe in me [as Christ], believe in the works.”[2] The key work he taught believers and nonbelievers alike was how to make others more important.

Making others more important in our word-vision, the key to the principle, the nature of love, includes loving the enemies of good conscience, good referring to doing just that, loving even enemies. Moral or ethical goodness is secondary, for that is completely relevant to the standard we follow and how great our love is for such enemies. For if we have no love for them, the seeing vision-pearl does not join to our sight, even if we believe we are justified in not loving them due to their behavior in the world, judged in blindness.

The fact is most of us cannot love them because we have lost the ability to word-vision correctly, thinking we see with understanding with the two eyes of our sight joined to a blind vision-pearl. This inability is often due to painful memory so traumatic that our conscience has caged itself in. Thinking we were just protecting ourselves, we formed false boundaries between us and them in our word-vision, for example, between the heart of Woman and the heart of Man, democracies and autocracies, and the different ethnicities of the world.

To resolve these or any other conflict in ourselves, consider how the principle of Name’s nature works in all our word-visions, whether we can see it or not. Trying to word-vision without the principle, knowingly or not, only creates illusion.

To remove the illusion and resolve any trauma and end any addiction requires knowledge of the ten main attributes in the next section. They are attributes of Name’s nature in Word or simply in our word-vision. Rather than working to expose memory behind trauma or addiction, this knowledge brings the specifics of illusion to our awareness in a healthy way, those blinding our word-vision to its seeing vision-pearl with others.

Word-Vision 5

Blindness cannot see its own illusion, trapping us in our own word-vision with false identity.

This image represents what is behind conflict in a person. The hands of our identity, word-vision, cannot see the now identity they are forming. They draw only from the past, the blue rounded squares. In the upper left, the blue outline is trauma and gold the illusion hiding it. With no baseline or depth in our word-vision, we misperceive whatever others are seeing, correctly or incorrectly themselves. Consider how the attributes of Name’s nature are twisted in this illusion.

Consider anger working in our heart under the illusion, hateful anger, an illusion of the healthy anger in Name’s nature. Consider the torment of fear that can arise in any heart, not know­ing it is an illusion of healthy fear. For in Name’s nature, “mature love casts out the fear [that] has torment,”[3] indicating that the presence of mature love exposes and vanquishes the illusory state of fear.

The so-called fear that remains in our heart is yirah, Hebrew for fear, but a side of fear that cannot be fear in any real sense. For working with reverence for all life, its main purpose is to cleanse our conscience from the traumatic cage it builds for itself in our heart. Name’s “yirah [is] clean, enduring forever,”[4] revealing that it perpetually cleanses our misperception of it and all other attributes. We just need the knowledge of how it works. 

With this basic knowledge of Name’s anger and yirah, allow the light of your vision pearl to start casting itself onto your word-vision. It will put the world’s illusion into perspective or at least start the process.  

Word-Vision 6

The first step out of the visual conflict of blindness in the heart.

Although still unable to get a clear baseline for our word-vision or know its depth, we are at least aware of our illusion now at this point. We can sense the principle at times working in our conscience and, if we choose, use it as a guide when it sheds healing light on us.

Without a baseline though, we are constantly confusing whose word-vision, ours or another’s, is recycling unhealthy fear and anger in us. Thoughts of making the enemies of conscience more important are kept beyond reach, the only thing capable of removing the eclipsing shadow in our light. This is even as we reach out to others in our heart, depicted by including the black rounded square, the future.

Word-Vision 7

What it seems like when another’s supposed illusion is our own.

Looking for relief, we imagine that we have gained vision in our position and recognize illusion in others. But we do not see that the baseline is all us, indicated by the arrow going only toward the other position. What we see in them but fail to see in ourselves is our illusion, reflected in our perception of them, whether they are blind too or not. 

Our past tries to walk toward the future without knowing that our word-vision now identity cannot see anyone else’s identity around us, indicated by the two long blue lines drawn through the black rounded square of the future.

Word-Vision 8

What is actually going on.

Image 1 in the top left position is illusion displaying the trauma it hides, something we all suffer from at times. Behind this is the galactic image of the word-vision identity of the person in this position, word-vision identity A. It is the pattern we have been using for the universal pupil misperceived by this person, their bodily form represented on the bottom.

Image 2 shows their trauma appearing as though there is no illusion associated with it, used to determine whether others experience a similar or contrary reality. A cannot use their illusion to determine this since blindness does not see the illusion it creates. Once determined through their traumatized conscience, person A uses image 2 to form image 3, where illusion and trauma exchange shapes, representing A’s conscience being swallowed by both.  Image 3 is then projected onto person B as a friend or foe of conscience.

The actual word-vision now identities B, C and D cannot be seen through A’s projection. The orange and white line threading the projection through all four word-vision identities represents one circle of A’s relationships. The flaming part between C and D represents A’s enflamed trauma, created by the depth of false word-vision due to A projecting its blindness onto them also. Word’s yirah light penetrates all the blindness of A with the principle and casts out the fear that has torment, as well as unhealthy anger, if A chooses to receive the love of this knowledge. 

Word-vision now identity A is alone in the blue rounded square, trapped in the past, reaching out to others while incapable of envisioning what the future holds. This is indicated by all four of them being in the black rounded square yet without pearl-vision – as A is made to see things. And yet, they all may be blind, on different levels, inviting each other to join theirs. We cannot see what does not fit our false identity. 


Two Key Word-Visions

Word-Vision 9

The universal pupil of the seeing vision-pearl is extended by encompassing the four word-vision identities in their three sets, all in blue rounded squares, depicting how their arrangements work from the past, while the conjoined rounded squares in black indicate that their ability to reach out into the future is limitless.

The Seeing Vision-Pearl

As we use knowledge of what is going on to remove our own illusion, our word-vision feeds into and partakes of the seeing vision-pearl, depicted by the flames coming out of our position in the upper left. By making others more important, we can discern the image of illusion and trauma in those under it, depicted by the image used in the base­line position opposite to us and in both depth positions. 

Awareness of this provides us with a true baseline and depth that prevents their enflamed conscience from enflaming ours, indicated by the arrows pointing both ways. It establishes vision of the four of us in our three word-vision identity sets in the center, even though they are blind and may not want our help.

Countless diamonds and perfect roses cannot come close to their beauty. The diamonds we form rising up in their blindness remind us of this. They emanate in the three arrangements of our relationships as part of the galactic image of our word-vision identity – as beautiful yet blind light.

Three sets work between four people. In each set, two people are in a pair establishing their own baseline, with the other two people working as their depth and vice versa. The sets change their positions, but all join together to form their collective depth and universal pupil in the seeing vision-pearl, the pupil of our word-vision.

Word-Vision 10

There is no distance between the top and bottom universal pupils when the symbols of this diagram are triggered with them as seeing vision-pearls and not blind ones.

Feeding the Seeing Vision-Pearl

The upper half of WV-10 shows the universal pupil of our seeing vision-pearl working from inside it and outside it as our extended vision. The latter holds illusion there, suspended by the light passage between our pupils and the mind of our heart, Word’s spiritual optic nerve. In the world, this expresses people working together with the principle to identify and examine illusion working socially. 

The bottom half also shows illusion suspended but by the light passage of a second seeing vision-pearl working with yirah light – without the presence of our extended universal pupil. In essence, yirah knowledge touches the illusion since, without the extended vision in the three sets of our word-vision identity, a social baseline can be established no other way with those not using the principle.

Without a baseline, we cannot function socially, indicated by the bottom half being upside down. The green line crossing over the bottom of the lower seeing vision-pearl depicts Word crossing over blindness with yirah knowledge in Name. Joined to knowledge of the other attributes, it shows us how to keep those under illusion more important socially without being against ourselves. We discern social trauma, illusion, and addiction as they relate to not loving the enemies of conscience.

What makes Word-Visions 9 and 10 key is their impact when triggered in the mind of our hearts. Their practical side in daily life becomes evident the more we feed our vision-pearl light so as to trigger word-visions of Word’s attributes.


Laura, her parents and Jack all chose to make each other more important at some point in their relationships and most likely did not willingly stop. Laura knows that strong addiction to alcohol easily destroys relationships due to loss of will, but she still misreads it at times as a willful act, a choice of Jack's not to love her. Likewise, her parents misread things in each other and themselves as willful acts that are not.

Without the spiritual tools to understand addic­tion in the conscience, seeing the act of not loving an enemy as an addiction is absurd. Consider the pattern all four of them have of not loving the enemies of their con­science, anyone who harms those they love. It begins with misreading their actions as completely will­ful.

Physiological addiction is only a symptom of addiction in the conscience. Under the stress of the former, the horrible actions of enemies of conscience are thought to be the cause for our disdainful reaction to them, when it is the total collapse of a part of our conscience. It is much like permanent damage caused by a heart attack. At this point, outside of some miraculous intervention, the only medicine is knowledge and yirah. They temporarily cleanse our conscience until we can use word-vision in it to break the addiction with love for enemies while safely hating their actions. 

Let’s suppose someone they all love was a victim of such enemies, putting their whole conscience in a catatonic but highly reactive state at the mere thought of these people. It causes their minds to misinterpret and plan accordingly. Now we can understand the kind of conscience and mind such people themselves live under no matter how they got there. For anyone with a catatonic conscience is incapable of empathy for others, easy to see in enemies of conscience for their victims but consider how Laura and the others are also incapable of empathy for them.

Forgive them, for they do not know what they do. Easy for us to say but impossi­ble without Name’s [Life’s] love. We can participate in it though once we learn about word-vision identity and see it at work in the inner vision of our heart. Just as before Word participates and allows us, he sees Name’s love for those with a catatonic conscience – while hating what they do.

Laura, her parents, and Jack each have at least a partially catatonic conscience that reinforces itself between them, for the conscience is a social mechanism. It turns on us first, damaging our self-respect, then on our perception of those we are engaging. Once it damages our respect for them, and thus the baseline of our word-vision identity, we join the social trauma, illusion, and addiction we were experiencing alone. 

Then, as in Laura’s case, the catatonic social conscience turns on our perception of those we are not presently engaging, her father not respecting her mother and her mother not respecting herself. It causes Laura to see them doing it more willfully than they are, limiting the depth of her word-vision identity.


[1] 2 Corinthians 10:5 

[2] John 10:38 

[3] 1 John 4:18 

[4] Psalm 19:9