Permeation Meditation

The Tune Up


In the name-set where your encaged conscience presently works, fill it with Word’s oneness of desire and conscience and see this in relation to the remainder of your conscience in the other two name-sets. Fill them too and restore your world conscience by envisioning diamonds in the other names of your sets to symbolize their beauty in Name. Do this until your word-vision forms their actual beauty in Name’s agapé vision-pearl.


The Major Work


In our three name-sets, we use the twelve vision-pearl gates to see pandirectionally with the singularity of Word’s inner and outer 2,000-year eyes. This occurs first in the light-passage of Word’s piety vision-pearl, where nine of his ten attribute iridescences emanate in our el-elohe-names, from us in Word before Name. This passage-view is conveyed to us by Word in the mind of our heart, completely out of reach of sight in our word-vision. The same is true for the agapé passage-view, where all ten of Word’s attributes emanate from us in Word before Name. 


Traffic in the World Conscience


Passage-views are the best way to practice the principle in the world conscience, for with them, we are never blind to ourselves first. For example, when someone cuts us off in our car, their fault, endangering us and our passengers, or offends us in our daily life, their fault, we may say, do or think something that is out of character, perhaps minor but the same pattern occurs repeatedly in national addiction. It tells us that we are breaking one of the attribute statutes of the road or worse laws. If we ignore the warnings, we set ourselves up for an accident in the world conscience. Let’s take this to its logical conclusion.

We know Name according to how we know Word. First, “with the pure, You [Name] show Yourself pure, and with the crooked, You show Yourself twisted.”[40] This works through Word, “whose presence [is misper­ceived] according to the energy (energeia) of Satan [the evil conveyance in which the whole world lies]…[mis­perceived by] those perishing because they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved [from the illusory conveyance].”[41] The energy of Satan is mis­use of the energy of Name’s faith.

Traffic warnings should remind us of how Name and Word are being shown to us in others, all depending on us. So, when someone wrongs us, at no fault of our own, do we really want to say, do or think something that is out of character, knowing who we are ultimately speaking to in others’ el-elohe-names? Passage-views in the world conscience are the best way to drive safely.

“Do not judge according to appear­ance but [according to] the righteous judgment [of principle word-vision].”[42] This judgment tells us that unless we see everyone as el-elohe-names, no matter what the appearance of their words or actions, we our­selves see Name as twisted and Word according to the energy of Satan, instead of receiving Word’s conveyance of the passage-views in the world conscience.

There was a time when, “You [Name] spoke in vision to Your be­loved [ones],”[43] word-visions in our passage-views. We are learning about them with diagrams, a Greek word meaning ‘through writing’. Accompanying our diagrams about word-vision are written explana­tions from Word’s teaching that make them legiti­mate symbolic forms of word-vision. They trigger word-vision in the mind of every heart prac­ticing the principle. Such world-visions naturally interact with Name’s word-vision in Word, His beloved. Life is constantly talking to us.


Word-Vision 23

Word-Vision 24

Word-Vision 25

Meditation Diagrams

Rather than using these diagrams to trigger word-vision, look at an image of them in your mind and meditate on their meaning. WVs 23-25 are for our tune-up discussion, and WVs 26-28 below are for our major work discussion. 

As discussed, the four images in WV-23 represent four word-vision name identities. Look at them for a few seconds and then close your eyes and picture them without being too specific. Keep the feeling of four different color patterns inseparable, relaxing and allowing your mind to center itself with four inseparable images. 

Next, use the diamond shape in WV-24 to represent one of your name-sets wherein you sense that your conscience is encaged. Fill it with the oneness of Word’s desire and conscience and then all three name-sets, represented by three diamond shapes in WV-25. 

Now use the diamond facets in them to represent the beauty of the other three names in your name-sets and the first forty names in your generational layers. The latter are behind your encaged conscience, symbolized by WVs 24 and 25 being outlined in blue, representing the past. WV-23 has a black outline, representing the future and peace in the present when our world conscience is not encaged.

Maintain your world conscience this way regardless of what happens in the world. It is fundamental for the nongender culture of name conscience.

Word-Vision 26

Word-Vision 27

Word-Vision 28

Permeating with Passage-Views

WV-26 represents our passage-views. From our three name-sets, the black rounded squares, and the names in them we are seeing Name through, the three diamond shapes before Name’s fragrant Identity, we use the twelve vision-pearl gates around the square of Name’s fragrant Identity to see pandirectionally – with the singularity of Word’s inner and outer 2,000-year eyes. The light of these eyes is symbolized by the four white lines pointing outward from the twelve vision-pearls. 

Word first conveys our passage-view from his piety vision-pearl, where we can see the first nine of his attribute iridescences emanating from the three other names in our sets. We cannot do it without this view because we are envisioning them emanating from them in all six pairs of our three sets, all permeating each other. Thus, we experience it but need Word’s piety passage-view to distinguish them and make theirs more important.

WV-27 depicts the moments of opaqueness we experience when first trying to envision Word’s conveyance, and WV-28 depicts the moment we fill our encaged conscience with diamonds in our three name-sets, like in WV-25. But once we envision Word’s conveyance, we can include all forty names in our piety passage-view. Then, we can do the same with Name’s agapé passage-view, displaying all ten of Word’s attribute iridescences in all nation-names of our world conscience.

We cannot know ourselves very well if our conscience is encaged and creating illusion, trauma, and addiction. During such periods, we are not aware of our el-elohe-names or the oneness in them between Name’s agapé and Word’s world conscience, which is exactly what we need during these days of unrest.

Word-Vision 3a

Simply put, which attributes of life are you using in your inner vision to see the world, and are you misusing any of them? We must use the principle together for the sake of our nation. 



Sheila still grieves the loss of Fred but has forgiven him and found her real identity. Laura and Jack separated but are back together stronger than ever. They are growing together in the knowledge they received and teaching it to their children one step at a time.

As a couple, they discuss every social issue together from the knowledge they now have about the principle.


“When people make race a means to oppress others,” Laura starts, "I have learned that the images of race form a traumatic and addictive structure in our sight, corrupting our word-vision. The structure must be used though to work through the blindness of the oppressors and any oppressed who have responded with hatred and blinded themselves with this structure in their sight.”

Jack adds, “Yep, and when people make gender a means to oppress others, it’s the same thing. Our sight is conditioned to lock onto images of gender before any thoughts, engaging the relevant trauma and addiction. The structure in our sight must be used to work through the blindness of the oppressors and any oppressed who have responded with hatred and blinded themselves with this structure in their sight.”

“Y’know, money is no different,” Laura adds. “It just doesn’t work from images in our sight but from direct misuse of Word’s grace attribute in our word-vision. People always say you can’t live without money, but that doesn't mean we have to put it above all else. I put grace above all else, so that I can work from grace to get the money I need or want.”

“So how do you get the grace you need or want?” Jack asks seriously.

“You know, the principle. The question is how do we use the highest form of grace, agapé, to…” 

“To recognize those we only thought were our enemies, so that we can form a much greater unity that changes our own world and the whole world.”  


[40] Psalm 18:26

[41] 2 Thessalonians 2:9, 10

[42] John 7:24

[43] Psalm 89:19